Frequent questions
How does WinZO Gold make money?
WinZO Gold earns money through player bets on games. For example, if two players bet two monetary units each, the prize for winning isn't four, but a lesser amount. That difference is the money kept by WinZO Gold.
Is WinZO Gold a safe app?
Yes, WinZO Gold is a safe app. The platform has strong fraud protection measures in place to prevent people from cheating in the 100+ games offered by the platform.
Which countries is WinZO Gold available in?
WinZO Gold is available to any user in India. To create an account with WinZO Gold, an Indian phone number is required.
Is the money I earn in WinZO Gold real?
Yes, the money you earn in WinZO Gold is real. The app adds your earnings immediately to your balance, or sends them directly to your bank account if you have it linked. Some earnings may take up to a maximum of 24 hours to appear due to anti-fraud controls.
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